The Omega Sigma Rhoer Club is dedicated to the development of young girls from ages 12-18. Through workshops, The Rhoers participate in activities that focus on college and career opportunities, volunteering, empowerment, and mentorship.
Socials: Facebook - Omega Sigma Chapter Rhoer Club
The Omega Sigma Philos are a community that provides a safe and supportive space for women to come together and empower each other. The Philos encourages personal growth, leadership development, and further enhance the club's desire to inspire and uplift women in all areas of their lives.
Socials: Facebook - Omega Sigma Alumnae Chapter Philos Affiliates
The Omega Sigma Rhosebud Club is the newest addition to the Omega Sigma Family.The Rhosebud Club consists of a diverse group of girls from the ages of 8-11. Additionally, the club discuses topics such as self-esteem, empowerment, and etiquette.
Socials: Facebook - Omega Sigma Rhosebud Club